We are Scientists

We enjoyed learning what different scientists do. We learnt about the scientific method when recording and conducting experiments.

We predicted what would happen when we put different coloured water into containers and linked them with paper towels. Our first experiment didn't work out the way we thought it would!

This experiment 'walking water' linked in with our art, learning about how primary and secondary colours are made.

We made some more 'magical colour mixes' with our food colouring and milk experiment... no one predicted what would happen there!

We learnt about the enamel on our teeth and how it is like the shell on an egg. We soaked an egg in fizzy drink and saw how its colour changed. Then we got to brush it with toothpaste and saw the transformation.  We will all remember to brush our teeth!

We loved our exploding film canisters. They did not do what we expected! 
When we understood what happened when we mixed an acid with a base we were able to predict what might happen when we mixed vinegar and bicarbonate of soda together in a ziplock bag...and we were right! If I can find any photos I'll put them up....sometimes we get so 'carried away in the moment' I forget to take the photos!


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