I see, I think, I wonder

Today we were learning to look carefully with our eyes and notice details in a picture. Then we had to think and give our thoughts and ideas about what we could see. Finally, we had to write 3 things that we were wondering about the picture or situation and we could use our imagination.

This was the picture we were looking at:

I See I Think I Wonder
I think the river is poisonous because it is brown.
I see that there is a person who is worried. I see a kid is scared. I see a river.
I think that the day over there is Friday.
I wonder if they are needing to go to sleep. I wonder if they are going to fall down the bridge.
I wonder if they are hungry or thirsty. I wonder if there are crocodiles and sharks.
If I was one of them I would be impressed and terrified!
I can see people. I can see that the bridge is broken. I can see that the bridge goes down. I can see that the people have got a scared face.
I think that the river has some crocodiles. I think that the children have a lunchbox.
I wonder that the people have a lunch box.
I can see a broken bridge and I think that the girl looks scared because the girls mouth is open.
I wonder then if they will be late for school and I think the river is too deep and the river is poisoned because the river is brown.
I see a bridge and people crossing the bridge.
I think someone is scared because their mouth is open like a circle.
I wonder if there is a crocodile in the water. I wonder if they drowned. I wonder if they fall off.
I can see the kids and a bridge that is broken.
I think that they would slip and I wonder if they see a dog that is drowning and a kid jumped to save it.
I can see a black bridge and some children and brown water.
I think athat the children are very scared that they are going to fall off. I wonder if the children are going to get home safely or if someone is going to….?
I can see a crocodile. I can see a boy almost going to fall down. I can see a girl fall down.

I can see children, a black bridge, a brown river or lake.
I think that the children are very scared that they are going to fall off.
I wonder if the children are going to get home safely or if someone is going to fall off.
I can see a broken bridge and I can see their hands are holding on to the rope and I think that their face is not happy and I think they are very scared.
I wonder if they fall down. I wonder if they are scared. I wonder if they see a crocodile.
In Colombia to go to school it’s very dangerous. People look suspicious and I think the water is too deep. I think they’ll fall. I see the girl is scared. I see the bridge is broken. I see the bridge has ropes for them to hold on.
I wonder if they stay alive. I wonder if they think they’ll fall. I wonder if they’re scared.
I can see children going to school. I can see children on a bridge. I can see a river.
I think the bridge is dangerous. I think the children are going to fall off. I think the bridge is wobbly.
I wonder if the bridge is going to break. I wonder if they will loose their bag. I wonder if they will fall into the dangerous river.
I can see a broken bridge. I can see a brown river. I can see trees and I can see people scared.
I think the water is dirty. I think the scared girl is really scared. I think the bridge is made with rope.
I wonder if there are crocodiles. I wonder if one person is so scared that the person went back home. I wonder if it is raining. I wonder if someone thinks she is more beautiful than anyone that she falls into the water and I wonder if someone falls into the deep river and goes down the waterfall. I wonder if there is a baby in someone’s bag.
I can see a broken bridge. I can see children. I can see by their face that they are terrified. I can see a river. I can see that they are not balanced because of their bags.
I think that there are crocodiles in the deep brown water and I think that it is terrifying.
I wonder if one of them falls into the water. I wonder if they are super scared. I wonder if the person at the back fell into the deep brown water and I wonder if they are brave.

I can see a collapsed bridge, a river and another person coming and they’re walking across the bridge.
I think the bridge might fall and they will fall and drown.
I wonder if they will loose one of their shoes and if one of them will fall and if one of them has slippery hands. I wonder if they fall and drink the dirty water.
I hope they go to school safely.
I can see…brown water, a collapsed bridge, petrified people.
I think…the water is dangerous. The water is very muddy. The bridge is dangerous.
I wonder…if anyone fell off the bridge and died. If there are mysterious creatures in the water because it might have been polluted. If you fall into the water, you become a mysterious creature.
I wonder what mysteries are in the water?
I can see children crossing a collapsed bridge looking very scared. I can see the water is brown. I can see that the river is wide.
I think the water is deep. I think I would be too scared to go to school if I had to cross that bridge. I think the water is dirty.
I wonder if there are crocodiles in the river. I wonder if any of the children would fall off. I wonder if the children are brave enough.
I can see school students crossing a collapsed bridge across a dangerous river. I see someone coming in the distance. I see the bridge is made of wood and strings.
I think the water is polluted. I think someone slipped off. I think if someone got tired and had to let go and fell.
I wonder if there was a swarm of bees that scared some people off and they drowned or got chopped if there were crocodiles. I wonder if a plane fell in the water and caused a tsunami. I wonder if someone was a bully and pushed a person off.
I can see children crossing a collapsed bridge looking very scared. I can see the water is brown. I can see that the river is wide.
I think the water is deep. I think I would be too scared to go to school if I had to cross that bridge. I think the water is dirty.
I wonder if there are crocodiles.


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